giovedì 16 luglio 2015

Problems with Box links

Hey, everyone :) Well, I read all your comments and mails about some problems to download the files from Box. I tried it myself from an other computer and yes, there's some problem for any reason. I don't know why, actually... And I really hope that the situation will resolve soon. Meanwhile, I can't obviously reupload every single download of the blog (oh my! they're so many xD) But I'll put new links for the last downloads, and also for those downloads that some people ask me via mail/comment. So, if you want some download in particular let me know and I'll put the new link from Mediafire :)
Sorry for the inconvenience, I really don't know what happens with Box :(
If the situation with Box won't change, I'll fix every single download :)
ADVICE: I notice that when I log with my Box account I can download everything. So, if you want try, you can try to make a personal account with Box (that is free).


3 commenti:

  1. At first I thought it was just me having this problem, so I want to thank you for this post. It seems to be a problem with itself. I'll start out having no problems downloading things creators upload to then after the 3rd or 4th download I try I have issues with it, I'm always logged into my own account when I download, so its not an issue of whether or not you have an account with them, its a site issue. When I go to redownload my own uploads, I don't have a problem, but downloading other people's uploads I do have the problem, and I generally prefer to download from because unlike Media Fire, there's no annoying popup ads, hopefully techs at will figure it out and fix it soon!

  2. Even though I logged in my Box account, I also can't download everything

  3. I have been seeing posts that Box is not refreshing bandwidth. Other creators are contacting Box about the problem, but I haven't seen anyone get resolution yet. Hopefully soon!
