sabato 9 agosto 2014

Hello, thief/Anarchy-cat

Dear, Anarchy-cat
I've seen that you're continuing to steal my stuff. Now, I was wondering... how much not-originality have you got? It's so sad, believe me. It would be terrible to  have not any creative idea.
Uh! Have you got a conscience? Just to know... You put your name near my stuff and near the stuff of the other great creators! Poor you!
It must be a "great satisfaction" to steal to the other people their works. Out of curiosity, how does it feel

Uh, a friend of mine to which you've stole too:
Just to remember you...

Well, "my sweet dear"... I'm looking forward to see the next dress that you'll steal to me! I recommend you to choose with judgment... You know, it's a HARD work stealing the stuff! 

with love ♥
the person to which you steal the works ;)

6 commenti:

  1. oh...this bitch did it again?...
    yep...She's just a stupid dummy.

  2. Is it (because I just can't call it "person") still copying your works? Yep, I want to try doing my own stuff, but I'm scared, that she is going to steal my stuff too. Sorry for mistakes, I'm Polish :)

    Best wishes,


    1. don't be afraid...she stole my works, but I'm still work. And Frency...that's not inevitable.

  3. Wooow, This is saaad XDD Like How do you not respect the works of others? AND Especially with NO PERMISSION!
    That is so disrespectful, You guys should contact the owner of Sims3planet and give them proof about anarchy-cat... What a Ungrataful Little Brat!
    ~ With Love
    A BIIG Fan of your gowns and clothes

  4. Those clothes are for Sims 3 by the other person right? How often is it that something made for Sims 2 is also made for Sims 3 using a completely different mesh set? Oh, yeah, quite often. To be fair, when you make stuff based on real life counterparts by designers that work is no longer original either. It's only original if it's your own idea and design.

    1. Well, that's correct... The dresses are own of the stylists who have designed them... BUT I can tell these thing for a reason: this person uses MY PERSONAL TEXTURES, MY WORK... You know, it's not funny. I work so hard on my dresses and this person do not steal the single idea BUT MY WORK. She can reproduce the same dress if she wants but she have to make a own texture not to steal my personal works!
      And, just to be clear... The only choice of any single download on my blog represents an idea.
