venerdì 11 luglio 2014


Hey, guys. Sorry but this post is necessary. Some weeks ago, someone let me know about a site in which there are stuff that is identical to mine! Coincidince? I don't think so.
(click on the images for a large view)

Well, I don't know how to contact this person because is a foreign site...
But if this person is reading this post, I wanna say stop to copy my stuff, please!
It's not right. And the funny thing is that this person have the copyright symbol near to the name!
It is not a different contrast or a different direction of the dress that allows you to say that you made it! I'm sorry but it's not a good thing to see the own stuff on other site.


25 commenti:

  1. Don't be sorry Frency I would be ready to kill if that was done to me!! We all should pity this person because they obviously lack creativity and have the brain capacity of a retarded Sparrow!!! I for one hope they are very ashamed of them self!!! I remind you Mr or Mrs CopyCat one very powerful word..........KARMA!!! Big Hugs Frency xoxo Cheers Rose

  2. Really, I hate so much when people copy ideas! Why dont they create new things? I hate them!

  3. I write from Germany, so please excuse my bad english . It`s a shame that someone so easy steals your ideas. Your blog is great and I am so happy that you are still doing things for
    Sims 2. So I want to say you today Thank you, nice that you and your blog are there

    Greetz Alexia

  4. That is so sad that someone would claim your work as their own. If they used your work and gave you credit it would be different. But no worries we all know your work and this no talent will be exposed for the thief they are.

    1. I'm totally agree with you. If this person had given to me the credits it was okay. But not in this way!

    2. I know a site called BackAlleySims where they also steal a lot of clothing textures, especially BrittBratt, Loonie and Risi and HobbessED. By Trinity, liana, Natalis and many many more. I informed Mila from Russia about this.

  5. I'm so sorry Frency v.v That really is a shame. I know it really takes a lot of work to make the stuff you do and to have it stolen and converted really sucks. But as far as I know, Anarchy-Cat's blog among other sites have been disabled or deleted

    1. Yeah, that really sucks :( Apparently this person has stolen from many sites!

    2. Wow, I hope they have internet laws on stealing where Anarchy-Cats from. In America, She/He'd be in BIG trouble. There are major copyright laws here, so I hope she/he is found out about.

  6. Dear Frency, I am very sorry that this happened to you. This incompetent, stupid person stole a lot of different textures, from my friends, too, it is very difficult to fight. because it has no brain and conscience that I will write about this in my blog too. Hold on, all I can say is, you are talented and you have a lot of support, in contrast, no. We are all with you.

    1. Oh, thank you dear Klira!!! I've seen the post! THANK YOU ♥

  7. Hi dear Frency! It's just awful and unfair. she stole and my textures too and I know how hard it is how hurts. Be strong, I am very sorry that this unworthy person touched you too.

    1. Oh, thank you Trinity for your support!!! ♥ This is a really stupid person!

  8. Mi dispiace Frency! Non sopporto (anzi odio proprio) quando le persone/certi utenti cercano di fare i furbi per prendersi i meriti per il lavoro degli altri, senza nessun tipo di rispetto per voi creatori e il vostro impegno! Spero che questo/a tizio/a la smetta il più presto possibile con questi comportamenti, hai fatto benissimo a pubblicare questo post, tutti devono sapere!!!

    1. Grazie mille, RoRo! Ma guarda a quanto pare ha rubato ad un sacco di persone.... su internet ho trovato molti blog che mettevano in guardia su questa persona!
      Grazie del supporto! ♥

  9. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

  10. Frency...she did it with me too...she stole my works and textures...

    and yours too, I saw the dresses of KStew and TaySwift....
    fucking whore.......(((

    1. Oh, I am so sorry, dear! I read your post! She's a idiot! I've seen just yesterday that she has stole my stuff again! Now you know what I was talking about it :( She's just a person without any original idea, and she's a thief! I don't know how to contact her, and I read in your post that she has deleted your account on the site... So, I think that we can't do nothing :( But please put the same banner I have in the top of my blog in yours! In this way she knows that we know what she does with our stuff! Be strong, dear, keep making beautiful stuff. I know it's hard... but just think that WE ARE the creators and she is... just a stupid THIEF. She has to have deal with her conscience!

  11. Yeah...NOW I really understand what you felt, when you saw your works on her's..I..I just can't find the words...I'm so upset...I wanna kill her, I swear ><
    Oh..why is she so stupid, a?..
    So, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for your's very important for me now. O know, that I'm not alone in this problem..
    We have to be patient and keep working, cause we are CREATORS...))
    I wish you inspiration and big luck!) I'm happy, that I met you.)) ♥

  12. I know how this feels, Sofi, because it once happened to me too. Only way to stop it is making it public throughout the community.

  13. I'm so sorry that this happened to you but I would like to say to Lizzy would you stop saying that people from Backalleysims are stealing creations cause we are not all the stuff that has been converted has been giving credit and the only reason you are saying this is because you were banned from that site for trying to start trouble so again please stop spreading the lies about BAS and it's members!

  14. Thank you Adrianna, I am one of the people Lizzy claims is steeling stuff from all you wonderful creators out there. Yes, I convert stuff but only from people that have an open minded policy about conversions and I ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT TO THE ORIGINAL CREATOR. I never claim stuff as my own if it is not, neither are BrittBratt, Hobbes,or any of the other accused from BAS. If I do not know the original creator of textures I usually ask for help so I can give proper credit. I know that my fellow friends at BAS try to do the same. We never claim other peoples creations as our own. If by accident we do convert something to a different body shape where the original creator does not want it and if we are informed about it, we do try to remove the upload. And Lizzie, didn't you state in one of your posts that ' Loonie at least does give credit to the original creators' ? Why are you all of a sudden accusing me? I loved all the stuff you posted there, some of them also conversions. And I envy all you marvelous texturer's your talent and if we want to use your excellent textures on our favourite body shapes, please do not be cross. We at BAS try to give credit. It is in our rules! And some of my own stuff has also been stolen, so I know how it feels if you do not get credit for your hours of hard work. I am Loonie by the way. Don't know how this profile thingy works
