domenica 30 marzo 2014

Gifts 100K Visits 07

And... here we are at the last day of gifts :) I've noticed by the number of downloads, number of visits, all the comments... that you liked so much these gifts :) Guys, yesterday there were +1200 visits!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!! ♥ Anyway, don't be sad because SYC will continue to offer amazing downloads! ;) Now I say bye for today with the last two dresses, both signed Zuhair Murad.

- MESH by Liana is INCLUDED.


- Mesh by Alisa is INCLUDED.

4 commenti:

  1. The second one is gorgeous! Thanks <3

  2. Thank you so much for the incredibly beautiful clothing that you create!

  3. Commento direttamente qui tutti gli ultimi regali, grazie mille per tutti questi fantastici abiti ♥

    1. Ma figurati, RoRo! ♥ Grazie a te per i commenti che lasci sempre (e scusa se non rispondo ogni volta, a volte mi dimentico e a volte non li vedo xD) Ma grazie di cuore ♥
