domenica 19 gennaio 2014

New Outfit for Man

I think this is my favourite outfit for man that I made. I have to say that the merit goes to Alisa, for the amazing mesh I used... so thank you so much, Alisa!!! Love your meshes!!! 
Well, tomorrow I start to study again for the test that I have to do at April... I have some dresses in my bodyshop, so don't worry. I'll try to post with regularity :) Enjoy ♥

- Mesh by Alisa is INCLUDED.

9 commenti:

  1. Great job!! Your detail is so amazing thank-you. Good luck on your test.

  2. Bellissimo outfit, mi piace tantissimo! Buona fortuna per l'esame!!!

  3. Oh yes I must agree with you!! and of course download :) I never seem to grab male clothes but this is a must!! Happy studying!! Look forward to more of your awesome work! Thanks so much Cheers Rose xx

  4. I just stumbled upon your blog via Simsomnia, and your creations are incredible!

    Really hope to see even more updates.
