mercoledì 16 ottobre 2013

54- Requests by Mike

Hey everyone :) Do you like the new Halloween design? I do ♥ Anyway, I finally completed the dresses that Mike has requested to me. Before to show to you, I would like to let you know that I won't do dresses from other games anymore. Actually, there are Lisa, Jabla and Kichagali who request dresses from on-line games and The Sims 3. I'll do these but then I won't accept requests like these because it's so diffucult, guys. Sorry ;) I've a lot of requests now, so have patience ;)
Mike, hope you like them. It was so hard... but I tried it :)

- MESH by LianaSims2 is INCLUDED

- MESH by Justsims2 is INCLUDED


- MESH used by Modish Kitten is INCLUDED 


- MESH used by lidiqnatathesims2 is INCLUDED


- MESH used by lidiqnatathesims2 is INCLUDED 

8 commenti:

  1. Thank you!
    very beautiful!:) :)
    Thank you very much! :) :) :D :)

  2. Wow!beautiful!
    I'm love your creations.!!@-}--@-}--:-D;-);-):-)<3

  3. Che bella la nuova skin per Halloween :D Complimenti per questi nuovi abiti, sono venuti benissimo *_*

    1. Grazie, RoRo!! Mi fa piacere che ti piaccia! Per quanto riguarda gli abiti... è stata una gara dura e diciamo che potevano venire meglio xD ma ci ho provato e... grazie! ;)

  4. The most beautiful and best clothes created by cartoon original. It's very nice. :)

  5. Fantastici! Grazie mille per averli resi scaricabili!
